Responsible for content and conception:
Könitz Porzellan GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 2
07333 Könitz
Phone ++ 49 (0) 3 67 32 / 3 44-0
Fax ++ 49 (0) 3 67 32 / 3 44-77
Trade register: Amtsgericht Jena, HRB 201 661
VAT no.: DE150526315
Tax-ID.: 161/112/11292
General Manager: Turpin Rosenthal
Technical implementation and design:
SECONDRED Newmedia GmbH, Erfurt
The copyright for all contents and graphics on this website is held by Könitz Porzellan GmbH and is the property of Könitz Porzellan GmbH. Any further use of the material is prohibited without the written consent of Könitz Porzellan GmbH. The Könitz Porzellan Logo is a registered trademark and is subject to trademark protection.
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