Umwelt M


Code of conduct

KOENITZ Porzellan GmbH - CRS

CODE OF CONDUCT - Rules of Ethical Trading

We at KOENITZ Porzellan GmbH (and our subsidiary companies) (“KOENITZ, Wiedemann´sche and sub supplier”) are concerned as an international organization to take responsibility for the protection of humane and ethical working conditions for workers wherever our KOENITZ products are produced. Wherever possible we applx the standards according to DIN ISO 26000 We follow this code of practice in the production of the KOENITZ Product pursuant to the Agreement attached and to ensure that the Licensee’s sub-manufacturers follow it.

1. The manufacturer will comply with all local laws and regulations relating to working conditions. Where such local laws conflict with the terms of these Rules of Ethical Trading the local laws shall prevail.

2. The manufacturer will not employ children under the age of 15, except in accordance with the rules of the International Labour Organisation Convention. Children aged between 15 and 18 shall be limited as to working hours and overtime

3. The manufacturer shall treat employees and applicants for employment equally regardless of ethnic background, gender, religion or race. Employees shall be entitled to join independent workers’ associations. The manufacturer shall not use forced labour.

4. The manufacturer shall not force any employee to work more than 60 hours per week, or more than 6 days in any week. Reasonable meal breaks and sanitary breaks shall be permitted. Wages shall be at least the recommended minimum agreed for the industry or locality as applicable. Overtime shall be voluntary. Employees shall have at least four weeks’ paid leave per year, pro-rata for part-time employees.

5. All buildings in which employees of the manufacturer work, shall be safe and every employee shall have quick and easy access to an emergency exit, to appropriate fire extinguishers, to first aid equipment and materials, and to medical care in the case of serious injury. The manufacturer shall ensure that all employees are trained in and aware at all times of safety and emergency procedures, and that fire alarms are adequate and functioning at all times. All working areas shall be adequately heated, ventilated and lit and hygienic, unpolluted.

6. All equipment and materials used by employees of the manufacturer or stored, where employees work shall be safe for use by the employees. The manufacturer shall ensure that all employees shall receive appropriate instructions and warnings relating to the use of equipment and handling of materials, that any recommended limits or procedures are enforced at all times, and that suitable protective clothing and safety materials are provided. KOENITZ Porcelain and all subXXXX we to agree:

• that Manufacturer shall use its best endeavors to comply with the above Rules of Ethical Trading and toenforce compliance on any sub-manufacture used by Licensee; and

• that KOENITZ shall be entitled to inspect all and any aspect relating to working conditions for the production of KÖNITZ Products at any time and without prior notice, and Manufacturer shall provide KOENITZ on request with the addresses of all locations where KOENITZ Products or any parts thereof are produced.

7. All manufactures of KOENITZ or the manufacturer use mutual that comply to REACH and also to KOENITZ Quality standard.

Product safety

Our products such as mugs and plates are “food contact articles”.

The safety of the products in the KÖNITZ brand range made of porcelain and bone china as well as their control and labeling is regulated in the “LFGB”, Food & Feed Law Book, the Consumer Goods Ordinance and the Product Saftey law EU 2023/988.

Food contact materials and articles are articles that are intended to come into contact with food, are already in contact with food or may come into contact with food in the course of foreseeable use, in accordance with Article 1(2) of EU Regulation No. 1935/2004.

The EU requirements are implemented by several regulations and directives.

We pay attention to the properties of the product during design and manufacture. Neuralgic and reference articles are tested. Our products are also labeled with the necessary information.

These are essential:

-DIN 51032 and EU 1935/2004 define limit values and test methods for lead and cadmium.

Information on the article according to EU1935/2004 for traceability:

-Identification of the article
-postal address
-Article identification

Below you will find an excerpt of the products we have tested

No labeling for food use with the following symbol is necessary, as our cups, mugs and plates are products “which by their nature are clearly intended to come into contact with food.” (according to EU 1935/2004).

Risk analysis according to product safety law EU 2023/988
Risk Descripton Cause Effects Measures to minimise risks Relevant standards Risk assessment for normal intended use, taking the measures into account
Physical risks
Risk of breakage Crockery can break and cause shards Dropping, impact load Possible risk of injury from shards Regular inspection for damage, precautions during transport, disposal in the event of breakage DIN EN 12980 Thermal and mechanical stress on crockery no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Chipping Crockery can chip Droppin, impact load Possible risk of injury from shards Regular inspection for damage, precautions during transport, disposal in the event of breakage DIN EN 12980 Thermal and mechanical stress on crockery no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Sparking in the microwave Tableware with real gold or platinum can cause sparks in the microwave The metal causes voltage jumps Sparking, the metal becomes hot and can melt or burn First use under supervision and at first sparking and do not use in the microwave no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Chemical risks
Migration of metals Release of substances Improper manufacture Possible release to an unauthorized extent Use of tested and/or certified materials DIN EN 1388-1, DIN 51032 EU 1935/2004,
Test method for release of lead and cadmium from ceram. Objects
no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Cleaning agent residues Residues of cleaning agents after use Insufficient cleaning Possible absorption of cleaning agents Rinse thoroughly after cleaning,
Use non-toxic cleaning agents
Din 10512 food hygiene-commercial dishwashing no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Biological risks
Bacterial growth Increase in existing bacteria Improper cleaning,
too long storage with food residues
Possible health risks due to consumption of bacteria lean dishes immediately after use, dry storage DIN EN 17735 Food hygiene, commercial machine washing no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Mold growth Formation and growth of molds Improper drying, damp storage Possible health risks due to mold Dry dishes thoroughly after cleaning, good ventilation in the storage area DIN EN 10522 Food hygiene - commercial machine washing of reusable conta no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Thermal Risks
Risk of burns Crockery can become hot and cause burns crockery can become hot when used in the oven and microwave and does not insulate the heated food Possible skin burns Handle with care and check after heating,
Wear heat protection e.g. gloves, oven mitts
DIN EN 13257 Thermal stress of tableware
no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Ergonomic risks
Handling awkward shape can make use more difficult Unsuitable shape, size or weight Fatigue, muscle tension Choose ergonomic shape, select easier-to-handle tableware DIN EN ISO 9241-210 Ergonomics of human-system interaction-Part 210, Process for the design of usable interactive systems no or only minimal risk acceptable for use
Weight Excessive weight can be difficult to lift Thickness and weight of the material Strain on joints and muscles Use lighter material, well distributed weight DIN 33402-1 Human body measurements-Part 1: Terms, measurement methods no or only minimal risk acceptable for use

Extract of tested products:

Test reports can be requested from us if required.

Picture Article number /


11 2 057 2829 Becher Stripes Sunflower 11 2 057 2826
Becher Stripes Jadegreen
11 2 057 2829 Becher Stripes Sunflower 11 2 057 2829
Becher Stripes Sunflower
11 7 275 2813 Becher Cyan Blue Poppy 11 7 275 2813
Becher Cyan Blue Poppy

11 5 053 2053 Espresso Obelix Pants 11 5 053 2053
Espresso Obelix Pants
11 5 053 2833 Espresso Love Explodes 11 5 053 2833
Espresso Love Explodes
11 4 20A 2786 Teller Asterix Dorf 11 4 20A 2786
Teller Asterix Dorf
11 2 004 2791 Becher Großer Mohn 11 2 004 2791
Becher Großer Mohn
11 2 004 2792 Becher Hohe Sturzwelle 11 2 004 2792
Becher Hohe Sturzwelle
11 2 057 2870.jpg 11 2 057 2870
Becher Tea Time-hibiscus
11 5 053 2835.jpg 11 5 053 2835
Espresso Coffee Squares
11 7 275 2852.jpg 11 7 275 2852
Becher Asterix Bogenschi.
Tir à l’arc“
11 7 275 2873.jpg 11 7 275 2873
Becher Vacation Surfing
11 2 057 2857.jpg 11 2 057 2857
Becher Sammeltasse Nr.2
Ich hab dich lieb Mond
11 4 266 2901.jpg 11 4 266 2901
Teller Der Kleine Prinz
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Le chef ici c'est moi 11 4 20A 2774
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Le chef ici c'est moi
Becher ohne Henkel Cyan Blue Dandelion 11 7 268 2778
Becher ohne Henkel Cyan Blue Dandelion
Wunderbar-Becher - Copper Lace 11 5 255 2748
Wunderbar-Becher - Copper Lace
Wunderbar Wunderbar-Becher - Silver Lace 11 5 255 2746
Wunderbar-Becher - Silver Lace
Blaues Pferd I by Franz Marc 11 2 004 2718
Blaues Pferd I by Franz Marc

Senecio (Baldgreis) by Paul Ernst Klee 11 2 004 2719
Senecio (Baldgreis) by Paul Ernst Klee
Becher BUTTERFLY 11 2 057 2705
Kuschelbecher Bumblebees on leave 11 1 143 2768
Kuschelbecher Bumblebees on leave
Becher Mon Petit Prince 11 7 267 1360
Becher Mon Petit Prince
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Farm Animals 11 4 20A 2696
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Farm Animals
Becher Exotic summer bright 11 7 268 2742
Becher Exotic summer bright
Becher Jungle heritage by Binny Talib 11 2 057 2741
Becher Jungle heritage by Binny Talib
Wunderbar-Becher - Flourish - Poppy 11 5 255 2759
Wunderbar-Becher - Flourish - Poppy
Wunderbar-Becher - Flourish - Bouquet 11 5 255 2758
Wunderbar-Becher - Flourish - Bouquet
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Hommage to Mondrian 11 4 20A 2711
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm Hommage to Mondrian
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm On Colour Flow 11 4 20A 1694
Teller Coup Ø 20 cm On Colour Flow
Kuschelbecher Le Petit Prince - Secret (Französisch) 11 1 143 2362
Kuschelbecher Le Petit Prince - Secret (Französisch)
Wunderbar-Becher - Ornaments 11 5 255 2688
Wunderbar-Becher - Ornaments
Wunderbar-Becher - Oriental 11 5 255 2687
Wunderbar-Becher - Oriental
Wunderbar-Becher - Koi 11 5 255 2684
Wunderbar-Becher - Koi


The REACH regulation is an EU chemicals regulation that came into force in June 2007 and stands for the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. The regulation is equally and directly valid in all member states. Objective: To improve the protection of human health and the environment from the hazards of chemicals. Better risk management in the handling and processing of chemicals. The regulation bans and restricts certain hazardous substances and introduces an authorization procedure for specific hazardous substances. Implementation: Chemicals that are produced by a manufacturer in quantities of one metric ton or more per year must be registered and are therefore covered by the REACH system. Approximately 30,000 substances are involved. REACH requires manufacturers and importers to be responsible for the safety of their chemicals. List of substances subject to authorization can be found here.

>> Download Reach declaration

Back stamp

The backstamp on the products shows where the product comes from. The regulation EU 1935/2004 regulates this for porcelain, ceramics, bone china and is decisive for distributors. On the backstamp you find our name, postal address as well as product barcode and barcode number.

Declarations of Conformity

Declarations of conformity are based on the Consumer Goods Ordinance and the European Ceramic Directives 84/500/EEC and 2005/31/EC as well as Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004. We also obtain these declarations from our suppliers for our packaging. They also confirm to us that they manufacture their products according to the valid REACH and ROHS and carry out the necessary tests according to DIN regulations in order to guarantee the promised product properties. In addition, the supplier declarations confirm to what extent the products are environmentally friendly and recyclable.

>> Download Declaration of Conformity

Form for the registration obligation for companies according to the Foodstuffs Commodities Ordinance (Lebensmittelbedarfsgegenständeverorndung)

From 1 July 2024, the Consumer Goods Ordinance (Bedarfsgegenständeverordnung) will require ‘companies that manufacture, handle or place on the market food contact materials and articles as finished products to notify the competent authority’. This applies to manufacturers and distributors.

The competent authorities are the district food control offices. Corresponding registration forms are available from the offices or


>> Download Formular

Occupational health and safety

KÖNITZ, like every German company, is subject to various laws, such as the Working Hours Act, the Occupational Safety Act and the Youth Employment Protection Act. Thus, many things are fundamentally regulated by law. These include working hours, break times, the protection of employees' health or the employment of young people. The measures regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act are audited at regular intervals by the responsible office. Last site inspection by the Free State of Thuringia State Office for Consumer Protection Department of Occupational Safety Regional Inspection East Thuringia took place on 04.12.2024. Here it is checked whether the safety and health of the employees are effectively ensured. To ensure that all necessary measures are observed, we cooperate with the Ingenieurbüro Arbeitssicherheit. We are supervised by our partner according to ASiG and DGZV regulation 2. Within the scope of this cooperation, it was also checked during the Corona period whether all measures to protect health were taken and complied with. No deficiencies were found.

>> Download Test Report


Environment is a hot topic, which of course does not pass us by. We think in terms of sustainable products, such as our to‐go cup, and already think about the environment when coming up with ideas. Also in our packaging ideas we pay attention to a production from recycled paper and we are part of the BellandVision. But not only that. We regularly have our emissions and water checked to ensure that they do not fall into a critical range. Our in‐house print shop has a recycling system for water and waste and a system that optimizes energy consumption. This is regularly audited by the district office. "There are no negative findings."But in the future, we want to do even more to keep our ecological footprint as green as possible. Therefore, we are planning to install a photovoltaic system to supply our buildings with renewable energy.

Clean air

To comply with the Federal Immission Control Act, measurements of our continuous fire furnace are carried out on a recurring basis. During the test, flow velocity, static pressure in the exhaust stack, air pressure, exhaust gas temperature, water vapor content, exhaust gas density and volume flow are determined. Pollutants in the exhaust gases are also determined. NO2, formaldehyde, SO2, HCI, HF and the amount of dust are measured here. All values are well below the limit values. All tests were in order and no further measures were ordered.

>> Download Emission measurement

Clean water

At regular intervals, we have water measurements of the wastewater system carried out in our print shop, the Wiedemann print shop. The pH value of the water is measured and documented about twice a month. No deficiencies were found during the last measurement and therefore no measures had to be taken. Furthermore, the disposal of accumulated residues is measured. Thus the filter foam of approx. 5Kg/day is professionally disposed of by the company SM Metalle. Further it was examined whether disturbances or occurrences are present, which can cause an impairment of the operation of the waste water treatment plant or can have a negative effect on the change of the water. No deficiencies were found during this inspection. In addition, the wastewater is regularly tested by the Thuringia State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation for pollutants, turbidity, odor, coloration, PH value, electrical conductivity and temperature. The last tests did not reveal any deficiencies and no measures were imposed.

>> Download test reports


We also ensure that our packaging is as environmentally friendly as possible. We regularly ask our suppliers to confirm this. This ensures that the supplier takes care to use resources sparingly, to process as few heavy metals as possible and to guarantee a high recyclability. The use of recycled materials is of great importance here.

To-go cups

Our to‐go cups are the sustainable alternative to conventional disposable cups. Thus, you can help to consume 320,000 cups per minute. To‐go cups made of porcelain avoid waste and also look good due to various finishing options. Several studies confirm that our to‐go cups are sustainable. Studies from Canada ("Life cycle assessment (LCA) of reusable and single‐use coffee cups" by CIRAIG (International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes andServices) Montréal (QC) Canada) and from Sweden ("Life cycle assessment, A comparative LCA of ceramic cups and disposal paper cups", The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) show that ceramic and porcelain cups perform far better than paper cups in terms of environmental impacts such as water and resource consumption, climate change and health. Porcelain cups are also far less contaminated with harmful substances than, for example, bamboo tableware (Verbraucherzentrale NRW, "Schadstoff‐Gefahr in Bambus‐Geschirr," April 26, 2018). This, our porcelain to‐go cups are a real, healthy and sustainable alternative to disposable paper cups.

>> Download Salessheet To‐Go Cup